
French Fries, Waffles, Beer & Best Friends

Who would have thunk it?

The same three best friends that skipped around the swing set of Hillcrest Elementary School, shared haunted house birthday parties together, and gossiped about first crushes would be traveling Europe together
(not me!)

Destination: Brussels, Belgium.

I can honestly say I knew slim to none about Belgium before Lindsey said she wanted to travel there.  Belgium waffles were about all that came to mind (yummy, right?).
But not knowing what to expect is where all the adventure comes in.

The weekend of February 25th was the time of our adventure.
Filled with new friends and lots of wonderful unhealthy food,
 the weekend was better than I ever expected.

Rainy Brussels is the capital of Belgium— the country snuggled north of France and south of the Netherlands— was the perfect setting for a relaxing, fun weekend with the friends that have known me the longest.

After an interesting quest to find the apartment we were staying,
(Pisa should have taught me to know where I was going),
this trio finally found the apartment. Our accommodations for the weekend were at the apartment of a guy Kristen and Lindsey went to high school with.

A huge apartment for four guys, the deck on the roof was incredible. Even through the rainy clouds the view over Brussels was great. We drank Belgium beer, and we reminisced about high school.
(well they talked, I listened).

My first yummy, crispy French fry experience came at dinner which consisted of omelets, fries, and beer.  Our outing for the night was to a bar that has 2,000 different types of beer. No, I did not add an extra zero or two to that number. IU has a selection of about one beer— Keystone (aka nasty)— so that number seemed impossible. Must be a horrid decision for indecisive people.

My first drink out, however, was not beer. It was absinthe.
For those who have not had an absinthe shot in their life, which may be a lot of you since its illegal in the US, let me explain:
Over the lime green shot, you melt a sugar cube into the liquid through some crazy looking utensil. Once the flame burns out, you take the shot and follow it by eating a sugar cube.
Nobody warned me it A. burned and B. tasted like black licorice.

Lindsey, Kristen, the roommates and I were up hanging out and laughing until the wee hours of the morning until my trio cuddled into bed. The rainy weather didn’t stop us from exploring. And when I say rain, I mean pour. Typical Belgium weather from what I hear. How heinous, right? Besides some great architecture the main stops for the day involved food.
Melt-in-your-mouth Belgium chocolate, delicious waffles topped with whipped cream and chocolate, and more French fries.
Not sorry we like to eat.

only the healthiest foods while abroad :)

Traveling with such great friends was absolutely amazing. Having them in Florence with me is like having part of my family.

couldn't tell you why i'm standing so far away..
i must really like them?

When we are old and gray and thinking off all our crazy adventures together since elementary school, we will smile at our Brussels adventure.

 Much Love,


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